Esther/Crystal💎Roguefort mainsさんのプロフィール画像

Esther/Crystal💎Roguefort mainsさんのイラストまとめ

Pfp art by Keith sensei during KLIBF'24|
LK new arrival comic informers. Not affiliated by Keith sensei|
'Creator' of LK in Cookieverse fan comic & cutscene

フォロー数:162 フォロワー数:93

Esther presenting a art (Or fanart) for World Book Capital from 🇲🇾. Let's reading some book and be fun everyday~♡

Charecter (From left to right): Me [Short hair and recent hairstyle], Walnut Cookie and Blueberry Pie Cookie (CRO)

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Wishing to all chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi fatt Chai~🎴
Charecter [Known as Cookies]
🔍 Walnut Cookie in Cheongsam Detective
💎 Roguefort Cookie in Sanfu [Hanfu] Phantom Theif


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-New art-
I didn't know I explain about this one. Esther presenting a new art in 2020 is Blueberry Pie Cookie from CR:OB. But I draw in human. 😨


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Merry christmas to people was celebrating on tis day. 🎄😆
And of course I upgrading フワ (Fluffy) type of Walnut Cookie [Human ver].


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While I draw and uploading at other social media, I will give all my fanart from 'Cookie Run: Ovenbreak' with themed Detective. UwU

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Doodle or really sure art?! ꈍ『ꈍ
While I thinking to draw another elemental of BoBoiBoy but appearly Thunderstorm (Halilintar) elemental in my mind. TOT

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Happy brithday to my favriote animation, Boboiboy~!!
Vanness also join his brithday because their have meet at "Boboiboy Galaxy X Lawak Kampus: Superior" a year ago.. I mean the big collab from Malaysia.

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