

MALE | 22 | Digital Art | Pixel Art | Animation | May contain suggestive art.

Making a comic series called: "Immortal Specimen"

Art Only:

フォロー数:1542 フォロワー数:6492

Babies performs the halloween

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Real halloween hours be like

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This is part of an art trade with i had fun drawing this lad~

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I got decapitated sticker heads of two messed up sisters, does that count as cool art?

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Yo, me name is Pot and i'm a shitpost animator/artist/spriter and i love to create oc's.

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Yo, i love to stroke pen on tablet and i animate sometimes, plus i'm obsessed with my oc's

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Big thanks to for ze commish.
I had fun drawin' this gal~

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Hello, my name is Pot and i love to create characters like these ones over here.

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