

Librarian, movie junkie, gamer, hockey fan, pop culture nerd. Still waiting for that slayer.…

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I’m Lindsay and I love drawing/painting portraits, bonus points if there’s a monster or ghost in it.


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Hi, I’m Lindsay. I’m and illustrator and librarian. I love drawing monsters and portraits, sometimes at the same time.

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I feel like my goal here was “make look like a Trapper Keeper cover”.

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Someone once asked me if I ever draw “normal” stuff. NOPE!

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It’s day again! I’m Lindsay, I like drawing mysterious ladies, monsters, etc.

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No YOU lost count of how many time you’ve watched the trailer.

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I’m starting a series of pieces on MY pop culture icons. She had to be first!

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I don’t really know what this is, but I do know it comes from too many viewings of Westworld and Blade Runner. And maybe Thor.

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