

'Life does not care what you get? Only care about what has been done.'

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7 28

🤔Where do I belong ?🤔
I used to ask myself: Who do I belong to? 🤨 Where do I belong? 😐
But I couldn't find the answer myself! 😣
Now I know the answer! I belong to myself and I want to do what I like! I want to live my favorite life! I want to treat myself well!🥰😉

15 61

One of the places I want to travel-Tibet.😊

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Smile 🥰🥰😊😊☺️☺️

4 18

Breakage is not the most cruel thing, the cruelest is standing on the debrispretending to be a pain, not stubbornly looking for.💔💔

9 32

As long as you are alive, it is the greatest happiness!😊
No one can predict if we can wake up tomorrow!🤔🤔
So we must cherish every day in our lives ...

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Taking medicine, I was tired, but couldn't sleep!😭😭😭

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What I wanted to do before but did n’t have time to do was go hiking, watch the sunrise and sunset, enjoy the flowers, I hope I can really do it!

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