

Full-time Front-End Developer | Frequent Gamer | Avid Reader | Aspiring Seamstress | Occasional Musician | but mostly here you'll just find my art

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:10

Huh, somehow managed to get 4 drawings in within a week. Sweet!

Had my birthday yesterday! Spent it playing Animal Crossing in quarantine 😅 Ah well, still had a good day!

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Think I'll get back into posting weekly instead of bi-weekly? I sure hope so...

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Ugh, I don't know what's going on with the first person's torso, but I spent wayyy too much time trying to fix it. The other two look much better anyway!

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And this week's sketches! Hopefully I won't completely fall off the wagon when Animal Crossing releases this week 😅

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Didn't get around to posting last week's sketches, so here they are!

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Combination of busy weekend and extended work time per piece means only 2 drawings this week! Also, not sure of Twitter's "NSFW Policy", so I'm censoring my own work to be on the safe side...

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Woot! Moving on to include the torso! Used photo reference for the second two.

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Good news! I think this will be the last week I do just a face. Next week, my plan is to start incorporating the torso and arms! Super excited!

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Since I missed last week, this week is a sweet two-for-one deal!

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Caught a cold and lost my voice this week, so have some extra sketches! Also, went back to photo reference!

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