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フォロー数:94 フォロワー数:277

"It's Hell for us to draw the fetters
Of life in alienation, stiff.
All people prefer to share gladness,
And nobody - to share grief..." <Loneliness by Mikhail Lermontov>✨(I thought we could be friends" by TuesdayTamworth)🌌

10 42

must not be afraid of what is in our souls" 🖤(Am I your queen by PSYCHOACIID)

9 34

✨"Only the simplest things never disappoint."🧡 (Nala by Imaplatypus)

10 40

and obedience are two sides of the same coin."🌳(The New Rulers of The Tree of Life - part 2 by MerlyTLK)

12 50

❤️🧡💛🤎👑"Queen are not born. Only love corps us!"👑🤎💛🧡❤️

19 72

❄️🤍❄️"How to prove that you are good? And even if you first prove that bad."❄️💜❄️(Lion Guard-Chuluun by NightFury2020)

6 28

enough moments to forget life, and sometimes there is not enough life to forget a moment."🕚🦁💕

15 53

one who I’m going to run for will shout to me: "Get it, mom!"🐾(Mama's boy by PSYCHOACIID)

9 39

expression you wear on your face is more important than the clothes you put on yourself.💥(By Silver-Wolf-17)

12 64

bad parents can have good children."🤎🧡(An Exemplary Mother by Sukala-AP)

10 35