

Creator of @LoofandTimmy 🍞🦖🇬🇧

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:7019

My stomach has just made the exact same noise as a gooble from Super Mario Sunshine wweee-ueuuuoooowwwhhhh!

0 14

I just explained to my mum what NFTs are and how they work and she straight up goes "well you could rename them No Fucking Takers" 👏

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18) Favourite protagonist

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9) Saddest scene:

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8) Best soundtrack:
Chrono Trigger (the best EVER!)

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1) Very first video game:
Wonder Boy on a Amstrad CPC when I was age 3/4ish!

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Maybe "how to make the perfect sandwich"?!

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Here he is in colour! I looks like I didn't know colour theory or opacity brush settings very well back then 😂

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