

Published 500+ stories since 1987; fervent fan of honor, loyalty, and chivalry. I support battered women's shelters. Namaste. #FlinchFreeFiction #IARTG #IAN1

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At the end of each yoga session I sit cross-legged and express gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Felix chose to curl up with me here.

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I'm finalizing the cover of my Cordelia book set in Whitinsville, MA. I began with a purchased image and am editing the skirt to make it longer. Which do you think - left or right? Any other suggestions?

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Lol apparently they got lonely being inches apart. Zuzu has now reached out her feet so they are touching Felix :).

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Zuzu and Felix are taking a nap. A sign that they are getting older - they are more comfortable sleeping apart. Although the tail is touching :). Baby steps.

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Zuzu and Felix are finally worn out and curled up falling asleep on my desk. Oh so cute :) they love to sleep together.

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These stained-glass images were once my novel book covers. I'm now cabochon pendants with them :).

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Five star review? Really?!?!? *Swoon*

(it's the dream of every author! :) )

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How about this cover for book 3 in my series? Suggestions?

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