

2024😅, 2025🫣? God☝. Ξ ₿ the dream! wen moon season 🌝🧘🧊🔥🦾👽💨 {I❤️AI} 🖼

フォロー数:1568 フォロワー数:2560

Zara The Queen- Fantasy Day 5

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Nova The Queen- Fantasy Day 5

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Looking at PA and hodlers might get lucky with a suckers rally like March before the next leg down. 🤞 good and bad 😂 but BTC could hit 20k real quick then die haha. Or just die.

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Ordo Ignis Sacri Clerics are occulted practitioners scattered across Ages and parts of the World. 🔥

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The Sacred Chalice 🔥

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Your souls have been released from the Metaverse by the Dark Queen of the Void. 🔥

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Riding the Pegasus through the void.

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You’ve been taken to a construct between the Metaverse. The evil factions you’ve encountered are nearing. Ride my Pegasus now, it’s your only hope!

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