

@[email protected]
Maker of podfics (Good Omens and Sandman mainly).
Anonymous Academic. Mother of Bunnies. Ginger. Pan. she/her. 🇪🇺🇩🇪🇬🇧🏳️‍🌈…

フォロー数:433 フォロワー数:411

For this It Was Always You chapter, enjoy some additional artwork, commissioned from the insanely talented .

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If anyone is up for a similar project this year, let me know! Caedmon posted a prompt list over on Tumblr that looks promising :)

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OMG! I *live* for this kind of feedback. 😍

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It is not 'South Downs' as in, a village, a city, a place. It is 'THE South Downs' - an area.

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