

Geologist by day, Artist/Writer by night!

I do a lot of video game fanart, and love drawing art from JRPGs in general!

フォロー数:565 フォロワー数:341

A collection of all of the fullbody character fanart I've done for

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Was just reminded of some of my old Pokemon fanarts! Here are some favorites I've done:

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Oh I specifically mean Sword and Shield and the DLCs. I'm a big fan of the Sun and Moon designs, and if my fanart here is an indication, like the whole Tsareena line!

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Fanart of Yuffie, the character I'm most looking forward to meeting in FFVII Remake!

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OG Berserker looking so good from the graphical update. I think somebody at Cygames worked extra hard to hand paint his new textures!

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Too much going on for any new art from me, but here are some of my favorite fanarts I've made this year for Dragalia. Happy 2nd Anniversary!

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4★ Berserker (shadow/sword)
・Increased the power of Calamity Wheel
-lv3: 2x335% -> 2x737%
・Added a buff that increases strength to Living Fortress
-lv2: Gained 30% STR buff for 15 seconds


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