alyssa @ home 🏡さんのプロフィール画像

alyssa @ home 🏡さんのイラストまとめ

Concept Artist. she/her. 💕@denzi121 /pfp @doobermcgoober / banner @crownsforkings / i run + attend events! opinions = my own

フォロー数:4924 フォロワー数:12632

Another retrospective featuring the poison character we eventually pivoted to Blackthorn!

She was supposed to be more whimsical in contrast to her element, so we had some really funky ideas for her!

5 45

also honorable mention to this funky guy
i made him have grubby little hands

0 32

Another project breakdown post!

another scrapped gamemode post for some creatures! a lot of thought had to be put into the function of these creatures, so lots of fun collabs with design happened!

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(also my art isnt just cool ladies i swear i got RANGE)

3 40

Gonna spend some time this week sharing some of the concept process for some of my pieces for

This was for a Blackthorn redesign for a shelved game mode. We wanted to really push her cool assassin-y vibes and this is still genuinely one of my fave projects

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time for a sappy post

one of my favorite game dev experiences was working on

i grew so much as an artist in a short period because of this project and the team <3 the character team was and is one of the best i think ill ever work with ; - ;

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wanna see even earlier/traditional work?

2006 / 2022 or 2021?

i really love marker art

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people are posting so i actually tossed a selfie from last year (i look virtually the same LOL)

hi im alyssa i draw characters

22 109

Oh hey is trending

I do most of my work in procreate!!!!

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