

World of warcraft fan (Argent Dawn) and for the Horde🌺
Love drawing, fantasy and history🌺

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:2075

Congratulations so much with 2K!! Here's to many more to come ✨✨✨🌺
Putting in my Draenei gal Lu 🌺

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I have wanted a pink Draenei oc for so long now... Like..4 years i think holy heck
But struggled to find a concept I liked, now I have one!
Design is made:

Luhanaa ( Lu for short ) Space Sheep
Draenei hunter who's companions are sheep! 🐏
Be afraid, be very afraid 👀

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2019 Ulwa outfit vs 2022 Ulwa outfit
Still gonna add some stuff to the new outfit but just wanted to share it ✨

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Dawwww thank you so much!! It really means a lot coming from you!!!🥹♥️♥️♥️♥️

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I made some OOC Adventure comics of her back in the start of Shadowlands, but then Shadowland turned out awful and I refused to do content 🙃

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I love Senegos and I wanna see more Senegos ❤️

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Mamba is here to make you an big omelet❤️

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The Golden Moon 🌔
Kaldorei Adoptable Auction ✨

( Ofc doesn't need to be from the WoW universe)

Info in picture ✨
Auction end after 24 Hours after the last bid🌺

Retweeting is appricated ♥️

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Tumblr ask: " So Mamba what do you use in your hair to make it so... that. "

Mamba: " See...at first I didn't use anything in it... it just ah..-

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- QRT with the first art you've drawn of an OC and with the most recent. -

Ulwa changed A LOT from the first sketch I drew of her https://t.co/zC8rv05fYj

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