

Welcome to littledevilspins, a proship dmc zine! Preorders a open until Nov 30th!…

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TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO APPLY! We've been getting some amazing applications and we'd love to see yours among them! The zine is open to anyone 18+ and proship, regardless of experience!

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We're getting to the nitty gritty! Only 4 days left to apply to the DMC Pin Ups zine! Anyone proship over 18 can apply to this open zine!

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There are 8 days left to apply! Come one, come all, if this is your 1st zine or your 100th, if you're new to or have been there since the beginning! Writers, cosplayers, artists of all stripes, we want to see your amazing work!

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9 days left to apply to the zine! Come one, come all! It's an open zine, so don't worry if this is your first zine or if you haven't tried a pin up before! We'd love to have you!

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13 days left to apply to the zine! Come one, come all! It's an open zine, so don't worry if this is your first zine or if you haven't tried a pin up before! We'd love to have you!

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14 days left to apply to the zine! It's an open zine so, unless you're a minor or anti, you shouldn't worry about not being accepted! Applications are just to gauge who's doing what and how to contact you!

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Contributor Applications are now open! We'd love to have you among our team of amazing creators! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns for this zine!

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