

Illustrator | Pianist | 26 | CRINGE |
Commissions are open. 🪐

フォロー数:477 フォロワー数:323

Hiya, folks. I too have my commossions open at the moment.

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No you don't need context it's a Jojo reference.

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I'm not usually a fan of comparing myself to other artists. Especially if it's in a way to put them down BUT Butch is a special case. A professional in the industry who's obviously being lazy with his work, mean, joked about someone's suicide, ect, I have no issue this time lmao.

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Hey, thank you for the share! And thank you Jade, for tagging me! My name is Olivia and I'm mostly an OC artist. I like music history, horror, surrealism, and traditional European costumes.

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YO THESE ARE FUN I often enjoy going back and looking at old work. The first two I just completed within the last few days. The third is 3 years old and the 4th is 2 years old.

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Hello and thank you! My name is Olivia and I am primarily an OC artist. I'm a small artist on social media. I like themes of music history, general history, horror, and anything revolving the human condition.

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Thanks. Wow I actually have some recent stuff from the past 24-48 hours. Hi, everybody. My name is Livi and I mostly do original content (ocs and shit like that). I also really like using themes consisting of music history and horror.

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Thanks for always including me, Ashe! Hiya, everyonem my name is Olivia. I am primarily an OC illustrator. Here's some of my most current work! I enjoy a lot of horror and music history themes.

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Hello! My name is Livi. One of my favorite themes to work with is horror. Especially anything surreal with cinematic or storytelling elements.

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