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R is for Redcap
Popular in Border folklore, the redcap) is a malevolent goblin that is well-known for soaking his cap in the blood of his victims.
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #redcap #goblin #Englishfolklore #folklore #illustration #digitalart #procreate
P is for Pegasus
Pegasus, in Greek mythology, was a winged horse who sprang from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa as she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #pegasus #greekmythology #perseus #illustration #digitalart #procreate
Some no-context spoilers for Episode 3 of #PennyDreadfulCityofAngels 🤣
O is for Orthros
In Greek mythology Orthros was the two-headed serpent-tailed dog who famously guarded the cattle of the giant Geryon before being slain by Heracles.
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #orthros #greekmythology #illustration #digitalart #procreate
L is for Loch Ness Monster
Affectionately known as “Nessie”, the Loch Ness Monster was first ‘officially’ photographed in the Scottish Highlands in 1934.
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #lochnessmonster #nessie #scotland #illustration #digitalart #procreate
@GoodOmensPrime Here are just a few of my favourite #GoodOmens30 inspired pieces by me!
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#goodomens #traditionalart
J is for Jackalope
In North American folklore, if you want to catch a jackalope it can be enticed with whiskey. 🥃
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #jackalope #northamericanjackalope #northamerica #americanfolklore #illustration #digitalart #procreate
Welcome to Trafalgar Fair where money's spent to kill despair! @grinningmanLDN #grinningmanldn
I is for Imp
Imps are small devil-like creatures which are seen as being more mischievous than evil.
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#MythologyAtoZ #imp #mischief #illustration #folklore #digitalart #procreate
A tribute to all the NHS workers on the front line in Manchester. Thank you for everything. 🐝🌈🏥
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#ThankYouNHS #ClapforNHS #NHS #Coronavirus #NHSheroes #NHSManchester #workerbee #ManchesterBee #illustration #digitalart #procreate #Manchester