

Pokemon streamer/artist/derp on Twitch, derp also in real life.

フォロー数:930 フォロワー数:840
# acnh

Have a free to use or edit Piers Sip emote, because Piers.

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Since everyone likes torturing Blathers with his fears, have a free to use or edit RIP Blathers emote.

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The idea is to fill Twitter with Pokémon! Everyone (mutuals only) who likes this post will receive a Pokémon Type and can then post a picture of their favourite Pokémon of that type on their newsfeed, along with this text!

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I had an idea.
It went creepy fast.
(free to use or edit emote)

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It's time (finally :3) for 6v6 Single Battles in SwSh! Prepare thy mons for battles, or just chill and do other things like murder an ecosystem ruining bunny or nom on some foods.

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This is Tom Nook.
I gave him a bat.
(free to use or edit emote)

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Decided to redraw over my other work, but try the no lineart super shaded greyscale then add color thing. It came out, ok, especially since I use a mouse. Practice is key. :3

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Didnt quite come out how I wanted it, but here is a free to use or edit dancing Raihan emote.

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Have a quick Pink Diamond doodle. :3

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I dont know much about Animal Crossing, but heard this Bob guy was a meme, so have a, Bobbo Cat emote. (free for everyone to use or edit)

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