

The Official Twitter account showcasing the Lockémon created by @Lockstin and many amazing fakemon artists!

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Did you know baby crabs sometimes find their way into clams and grow up inside them? and that clams often have dozens of pearls instead of just one? and that a 'cantrip' is a ruse or a trick? (like a crab pretending to be a clam) I love this little guy.
Art by

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In the volcanic age, when fossil'mon roamed the earth. Manadza took a liking to the land that would become the Kaskade region. It was a newly formed land, and the last known edge of the continent to be formed by a Primal Groudon. More on Manadza: https://t.co/QcgVDJsewb

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Since they don't have to spend hours a day just cleaning a beard, female Tamroast are a favorite partner pokemon for many baristas. Thanks to a sort of mystical connection to the beans, they always prepare them perfectly in their palms!

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The males are world-renowned for their beards, which require a lot of maintenance. They take part in annual beard competitions during the breeding season. For a week before the contest, they won't sleep - thanks to thos beans - and will instead just prep their beards.

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After a city-wide effort to fix a Raticate infestation by frequently freezing the sewers... the surviving Raticate adapted to their situation, and gained the ice type! They still have to keep their Rattata safe and huddled in warm burrows though.

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On top of a snowman head and a white rabbit, this variant also pulls inspiration from mochi snow rabbits or rabbit Manju dumplings. White little Japanese treats in the shape of a bunny with red eyes and green ears.

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The doedicurus/glyptodont, Sandshrew ancestor Macedontus can partially bury itself in the ground, allowing it and its tuff hide to protect itself from attackers... at the cost of speed of course. Its armor is said to have inspired the design of many helmets throughout history.

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The great saber-toothed Vaicear is capable of slashing and biting with freezing OR searing attacks at will! Allowing it to take down prey of many sorts! It has incredible upper-body strength, and a direct link has been found between them and Incineroar.

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The ancestor to many modern-day cat'mon like Meowth and Catteraxe, Feafurr are born cold and have to be warmed up by their mother. As they grow, their flame-producing organs begin to heat up, giving them fever-like symptoms until they get used to it.

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Spoutlaw has learned to rob other pokemon of their food stores and hide underwater, breathing with its bubble hat, which also allows it access to clean air above the surface too. The water it stores on its hips can quickly form a water-whip to rapidly strike enemies from afar!

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