

Gamer and Streamer.
Join the Fun and Text me if you have the passion to become a great streamer.

フォロー数:35 フォロワー数:3398

tell me who do you think is the cutest of them. oh and the awesomest too

10 25

isnt there any pony who care about me...but...but why

8 13

i will show something that no pony have ever seen because i am the Great and Powerful Trixie

4 7

IT’S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING BUT thanks for everything

4 17

one day i will show to everypony out there that i can do it and i will become Wonderbolt

8 18

this look is so Awesome weird but its creep me out. maybe she wants Muffin?

4 12

I feel like there is something missing in my life but what is it. Is it my wings or what

7 20

finelly its time for the best part of the day Sleeping. GoodNight EveryPony

6 17

dun dun dun dun DUN DUNN DUNNN DUNNNN....no pony saw anything right

6 14

Listen to me Scoot one day you will became faster than me just don't lose hope

8 16