Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのプロフィール画像

Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator | Fan of history & stories |Co-creator of Sul - SPFBO9 Semi-finalist! | Available for work

[email protected]
Sul stuff - sulbook.com

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:1786

Here’s my guy, Iolo. Bratty but adorable

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Started the 1st draft on book 2 and working my way through the art for book 1, which is written. ‘Cause who needs spare time?

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Wow, congrats! I love your work. Here a few of my recent fave pieces

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Another Friday, another Sul portrait. Here's Damien, she snores

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I’ve been enjoying getting back into painting portraits of my characters. Prior to this year I hadn’t done a lot of work for myself for a long time, turns out it makes me enjoy painting more

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Personal project’s art is plodding along

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"It was a dizzying feeling, being at the top of the world."

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Few portraits of the characters from Sul. Love doing these

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As it's Thursday and I've not posted anything in a while, here's a throwback to a couple of sketches I still sorta like

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