Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのプロフィール画像

Jacqui Davis - GenConさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator | Fan of history & stories |Co-creator of Sul - SPFBO9 Semi-finalist! | Available for work

[email protected]
Sul stuff - sulbook.com

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:1786

:D Then you'll like the buildings

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It's a bit of a gloomy day here so it seems fitting to share Mordred, he's with Arthur & Merlin in my at

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I love doing these, even if I hate seeing my old stuff. 2006 vs 2016

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I s'pose you could say this illo was a hoot to do for

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Today's artiness brings us some none too happy dinos

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And now for something a little different here's a few critters

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And to wind down for the weekend here's some faffing with colour

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Finished off a client project last week so here's some personal doodling to celebrate

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For h/w 1 of Char Design the task is to design a wealthy gentleman. I accidentally channeled Uncle Phil

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