

OCsona by @secangkirteh_ .

Gore, blood, etc -
Dead Dove Do Not Eat. FUBM Free.

フォロー数:1316 フォロワー数:298

that's unhealthy (○`д´)ノシSTOP! Jan ikut-ikutan Bayu. Kalau kata Lena, bayu itu:

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8. Nobody knew where Ilham lived

🎨 @/bornspiked

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7. Ishtar is religious. She always pray before every examination and she will always introduce herself to her patients. Alive or not.

🎨 @/hicchi_23

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6. Joy is actually one of the person to convince Bayu to resign from his previous job to sign up at his current job in rural area.

However he doesn't know that Bayu is working for his ex wife now. Vice versa.

🎨 @/hicchi_23 @/KuePai31

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5. During that accident, there's light rain but it's very sunny.

This situation is often called as "Hujan Wewe" it is believed that many supernatural events happened during this time period.

🎨 @/ararxyn

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4. Husna almost got hit by a train when she's younger. It happened when she's going home from school. People try to call out to her but she can't hear anything until the train almost nicked her.

This refers to the legend of Setan Budeg "deaf ghost".

🎨 @/ararxyn

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Bayu and Ethan's name have a lot of Easter egg that connect them with each other.

They're not particularly close, but they find peace with each other in a way. Like the king Tawang Alun in Petilasan Rowo Bayu. But this time it goes both ways.

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VOC's military expedition to Blambangan involved thousands of Madura and Pasuruan troops as well. They murdered the Blambangan captain there, and got some of Bali strait blocked.

Bayu is partially Madurese, and he's born in Pasuruan city. Yet he get along so well with Ethan.

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3. Ethan's middle name, Tawang, is taken Blambangan Kingdom (now Banyuwangi district) king Tawang Alun II who spread the kingdom up to Lumajang and Bali.

During colonial era, there's a big war between Blambangan and The Dutch (VOC), the war is called Puputan Bayu.

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Karena film remake "Setinggi Tajuk Tulang Usus" yang dibuat oleh Chandra menang festival film dan jadi viral, akhirnya ada beberapa pihak yang terseret. Tepat karena ada beberapa situasi yang terjadi, akhirnya kasus tahun 1985 itu dibuka lagi.

🎨 @/hicchi_23

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