

24 ✨ | Art Student🎨 | She/They/He ✌ |

フォロー数:419 フォロワー数:247

Doodling the smug bastards
Noticed I haven’t really posted any of my OCs here yet so time to change that 👏🔪

Spikey hair man is my Yokai/Human mix OC Jacque, and of course shit for brains himself, Leo ✨

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I am severely procrastinating midterms right now and couldn’t get s little lass August out of my head again and made a little pumpkin adventure doodle of them~ 🎃

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Just a small WIP of s OC August ✨
I’ve been wanting to draw something with August for so long and decided to add her to a October prompt drawing 🎃
(I’m nowhere near done with the comic but so help me god I’ll complete this)

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Slowly but surely finishing prompts. This is the final product for my first prompts (doing 3+ lists at once and combining them 😭)
Favorite Turtle ♥️ 🎃

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