


Hungry nonbinary monster/creature/thing. 90s trash goth. Horror, gaymes and grapples fan. @Ladykalma is a hot bite wife.


フォロー数:4715 フォロワー数:1823



Does Luca look more like a fox or a wolf? I never decided on what they were supposed to be

0 31

Found some of my old art and damn it makes me want to draw again even if it's just a liiiitle bit.

2 8

Mordhau as well, or just good olde yoink em off them horses

0 2

First off: Titania from Fire Emblem will always be better.

Second: just say you personally don't like buff girls with sidecuts and move on there's no need to jab at other women's appearances to make a silly point about a game. Muscles aren't inherently masculine wtf

0 11

There's the Sugarcult Piggu which is really toony, some boar head masks/trophies that are static and can be modded into heads, and BeSpoke made a Warthog head.

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I have ideas to rework Inanis. Still haven't picked a name but they're taking shape and it was about time because I like it. It's a monster with a skull for a head. But SCP and the general disregard for that type of design has killed my first sona before I was a furry.

1 12

An alarm has been going off somewhere in the neighbourhood for the past 45 mins. Too quiet to not be able to know what is it but too loud to hear the constant beep beep beep

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