

フォロー数:356 フォロワー数:119

I love this couple💕😍, I miss them😢

20 453

It was a beautiful chapter 😍😍 and finally the two once more together, make a beautiful couple 😍, although if I felt sorry chowon, I can only imagine Dojun's dad's reaction when he finds out 😂

41 452

How can it be beautiful? Does it look innocent, but will it really be? lol 😂😋, every time it gets better: '), will the drama start from now ? Love the episode

33 464

I'm loving this couple😍
I loved the chapter✨

45 333

Will there be something in the next chapter? 7u7

22 282

First of all always diva 💁‍♀️😂
Love the chapter😍

46 437