

I'm just a simple human girl who likes bread and complaining all the time/
Animation student at Da Vinci/2D Illustrator

フォロー数:204 フォロワー数:834

I spent a thousand years to finish this drawing but I wanted it to be very beautiful.
Will we see Rayla and Callum dancing again? 🌙

52 266

another drawing of Rayla 🤣 this is a sketch... I like to imagine that she is posing for Callum to draw her, he has to update his drawings of her, right? 😉

11 85

I'd read a fic somewhere where Callum and Stella got along badly and distrusted each other, I wonder what their reaction will be when they meet 🤣

20 125

How it How it's going

48 470

ok i gave up I can't keep up but I had a little time today.
Beauty is hereditary...

64 581

Me after reading Rayla's letter...
Sorry, I didn't find another song with the same intensity as this one (?
This show will kill what's left of me.

2 28

A few months ago I tried to make another animatic because I was very nostalgic but I must say that school and work have kept me very busy and I never could finish it😢it was based on the songsong "rewrite the stars"

24 120

I wanted Lukanette to be canon so badly🥺I haven't followed MLB for a long time and I know she has to end up with Adrien but I feel like Marinette and Luka were REALLY made for each other😔

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