

Daily folklore from author of Lore of the Wild and Lore of the Land @nonfictioness

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:2557

In the British Isles owls have generally always been associated with death and so it was seen as a protective talisman against death to hang an owl feather over the door.

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Anton Mesmer believed that all humans and animals had a fluid running through their body which if blocked could cause illness. Mesmerism, as it became known, was the practice of unblocking the flow of liquid with the power of the mind.

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In northern counties of England it was said that if you swept the dust from the house out of the front door then you'd effectively be sweeping all the house's luck and good fortune with it.

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Dock leaves have long been considered the antidote for nettle stings as attested by this rhyme:
Nettle in, dock out,
Dock rub nettle out.

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The following rhyme comes from Essex:
When the moon is at the full,
Mushrooms you may freely pull ;
But when the moon is on the wane
Wait ere you think to pluck again.

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It was said that if violets flourished in the autumn then a plague was sure to strike in the coming year.

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It is said in Yorkshire to be unlucky to bring any green plant into your house after sunset.

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In Germany it was believed that if you did not wash your face after seeing the first cuckoo of the year you would become sunburnt and covered in freckles.

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In Japan spiders are thought to be demons in disguise. In the day they go unnoticed in spider-form but at night, when everyone is asleep, they transform back into their demon form and carry out evil deeds.

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In Worcestershire it is said that a robin looking into the room is a sign of good luck.

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