

Illustrator by trade, nerd of many stripes by nature. They/Them | 30+ | NO NFTs!

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:165

This took...a lot longer than I anticipated.

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Golden Kamuy gets my design preferences.

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Large potions are DONE!! I'll be taking this week to write up a ToS and then get them posted on DrivethruRPG! Look out for the link!

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It's got a lot of heart, humor and drama. Very good. It also looks stunning.

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*whispers* everyone should watch Run With the Wind. It's on Crunchyroll and it's incredibly good.

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I just bought a Karasuno team jacket like the sports anime trash I'm becoming. *lies down and dies*

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Medium Potions design done! Now to just do a set of large ones!

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First potion of MANY I'm planning to make for an asset pack for people to use in their home brew tabletop game mods! This is a "small potion" and it'll come in a series of colors. I'll post the whole asset pack when it's done!

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Working on this fanart is reminding me how much Tetsuya Nomura's work impacted my own. Between him and Yoji Shinkawa I learned so much about what I like to draw. They're possibly the two artists that got me the most excited to experiment with media and style.

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