

Hi, I'm good at DBZ Dokkan Battle

フォロー数:240 フォロワー数:6892

The unreleased bald mudkip line from gen 4 makes me extremely uncomfortable

10 156


So applin appears to be just an apple mon (I thought that for a while) but it's actually the worm eating the apple!!! and the worm evolves into a wyvern!! I think it's super cool

0 0

The site I preordered swsh from had a payment issue & didnt think to notify till today, so I probably won't get the games until Monday

0 13

I'm live streaming Dokkan! Grinding 28th WT woooooo also got a bunch of GSSR tickets jooin https://t.co/yzhhZZZSIW

1 4

So proud of Ippo

0 11

Ok but why does Hunter x Hunter have albino gary oak tho

12 55

Just got re-heated remembering Yuri on Ice won best animation the same year Mob Psycho 100 came out

1 28

I'm streaming!! Gonna beat the brand new Dokkan Battlefield & grind out some more EZAs :3c https://t.co/yzhhZZZSIW

1 4