

My fandom account. 🍊🌻 obsessed. I draw sometimes ♋(she/her)(adult)(pan/ace)(socialist🌹)

フォロー数:2423 フォロワー数:872

I just discovered it's Sailor Neptune's birthday, so I made a quick sketch! Happy Bday Michiru!!

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A few days late, but we still are here to celebrate 🥳 Happy Bean Day!! Brew unwinds by chilling with his favorite ol' tardigrade buddy.

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Matching icons for you and your friend and you're both extremely weak to fire.

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I couldn't resist making a 2023 version of Team Rocket from the 97 cover...


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Honestly truuuue!!! It ran the whole gamut.

If only Crystal attempted even a fraction of that range!

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I am really enjoying the new OTH "short stories" format. Kinda feels like old drabble fanfiction.

I really enjoyed how silly and sociable Brew was in this episode! And Spill finally coming back 🥹💕 And Brew Spilling his coffee all over and she just... ignored it 😆

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I'm so looking forward to this event 🤭😊 https://t.co/gwSUk2vFBK

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Oh great, first he was Naruto and now he looks like Edward Elric.

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Brew wearing my partner's fit, and Spill wearing mine.

This is a little cathartic for me today!

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