Louround 🥂さんのプロフィール画像

Louround 🥂さんのイラストまとめ

Ex Hedge Funds analyst sharing tips and alphas to my fellow degens 🥂

Redacted at @redactedres 🀄️

Chief cook at @SteakCapital 🥩

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Analyzing on-chain transactions is now mandatory to avoid rugs and make it.

But most of the tools are reserved for on-chain wizards.

Let me show you how allowed everyone to catch , the biggest and smartest crypto VC, manipulating Uniswap’s governance 🥂

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I lost 90% of my net worth due to greed during the last bull run.

1.5 years later I am sitting at portfolio ATH.

Let me share with you 5 tips I wish I would have known back then 🥂

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