

#anipoke | 日本語 | 🇨🇺/🇺🇸 ➡️ 🇯🇵

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:1661

17 years ago (JP), May's Munchlax learns Focus Punch and uses Solar Beam for the first time and May also receives an egg! Ash's Pikachu even learned Volt Tackle. What an episode! What did you think of it?

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12 years ago (JP), Ash caught the sassy Unovan Queen, Snivy. Jessie had failed to catch it earlier, but it would have been interesting to see Team Rocket with one of the starters for once. What are your thoughts on Ash's Snivy?

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15 years ago (JP), Chimchar joins Ash's party. This would of course become a vital part of Ash's Sinnoh Team and one of his most iconic Pokemon period. This was also a great episode where Ash and Paul win the Hearthome Tag Team Battle Competition. What did you think?

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3 years ago (JP), Ash's epic battle vs Kukui ended with Pikachu defeating Tapu Koko with 1,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. What did you think of this exciting battle?

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10 years ago (US), Ash had one of the best gym battles he's ever had, versus Roxie. She only used 3 Pokemon against Ash's 6 but she still almost defeated him. How do you find this gym battle to be?

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9 years ago (US), we got the first taste of XY in the anime series with the debut of Alexa and her Helioptile and Gogoat. I love seeing Pokemon of the next generation appear in an earlier anime series, which instance of this has been your favorite?

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19 years ago (US), Ash lost to Harrison in the semifinals of the Silver Conference placing him in the Top 8. After this battle, Harrison would go to Kanto, Gary to Pallet Town and Ash and gang to Vermillion City. This was the second to last episode of the Original Series

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I’m not confirming Or denying this

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19 years ago (JPN) and 20 years ago (US), Misty returned to the Pokemon Series in AG episode 44. It would be a 2 episode arc where her Togepi evolves and leaves Misty to protect others of it's species. A very heart breaking episode for sure. What did you think?

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7 years ago (JP), Serena catches herself an Eevee. The last Pokemon that we would catch in the Pokemon anime, but a very valuable and important member on her team. Of course, it would evolve into a Syvleon. What did you think of Serena's Eevee's character arc?

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