

#anipoke | 日本語 | 🇨🇺/🇺🇸 ➡️ 🇯🇵

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:1653

That was sick, Sheer Cold 0HKO
HM 03, Surf, that’s a flow bro
My money stupid and that’s a Slowbro
Conquered Kanto, now onto Johto

3 12

The disrespect of not having this on here

3 38

Pokemon Journeys Episode 108 leaks

70 463

25 years ago (JPN), Team Rocket made their anime debut in the second episode of the original series! 25 years ago we were blessed with this trio in our lives and they have since then gave us many laughs and emotional moments. Who's your favorite of the three?

7 21

17 years ago (JPN), the Hoenn Grand Festival Arc started. I always love tournament and Grand Festival arcs and this is no exception. With so many familiar faces and fun events its hard not to like it. Who would you have had win this one?

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Here's my 100% confirmed theory as to why Grookey won't evolve (hopefully). Never have ALL the starters in the region been fully evolved as a cast, there's always been at least one that didn't.

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23 years ago (US), Togepi hatched from it's egg and the main trio plus Meowth had a tournament to see who could keep it. Ash won the tournament, but ultimately Togepi decided to stay with Misty anyways. I think Brock would have made for an interesting choice though

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16 years ago (US), Ash's battle against Tyson concludes with his defeat in the Top 8, finishing in the same place as he did in the previous conference. How would you rate this league compared to the Silver Conference?

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9 years ago (US), in the middle of what many would consider the "worst" league, pokemon made the bold move to make a "lost Pokemon episode". In an already short league, this was definitely an interesting choice.. what did you think about it?

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16 years ago (US), Ash defeats Clark in a double battle advancing into the Top 32 of the Ever Grande Conference. He would then start his battle with Katie! This conference showed us a lot of full battles, and I loved it!

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