

(GER+ENG) Anime
Gaming, Streaming, especially RPGs and Mystery Games
Lucario and V Mon
Master of Aura, Fluffy Wolf
aka linkfan/Link/Kags…

フォロー数:400 フォロワー数:215

Congratulations! Hopefully even more people come

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If you need a commission then consider this please. He really needs this money and he does more than great work, like this

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Thank you so much for giving Ten another outfit and style ^^ He's surely enjoying his beach life

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Just found you through retweets and really liked your style ^^ Now I'm a follower and thank for the chance

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Wanna snuggle you :3 You deserved it all

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(I hope these count even if they aren't what you call a normal ref sheet)
First of all, that announcement was super cute,I'm super proud of you and wish everyone good luck! Also please don't push yourself too much Hal, do this whole raffle the way that makes yourself the happiest

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