

♠️ Hacedor de garabatos.
Maestro del engaño y el sigilo.
Virtuoso arlequín de la televisión humorística.
Villano carismático. Sombrerero.

フォロー数:633 フォロワー数:187

Zilean's tower its an upside down pyramid on top of the same pyramid in another timeline, and all of that construction is shaped as an hourglass. Also speaking of hourglass, looks like Zilean and his chronomages are the responsibles of the Zhonya's Hourglass. Cool stuff indeed!

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I'm such a devoted Chronomancer lover, and would be such a blessing to finally complete my collection!
(Also need to be hurry in this timeline to avoid Yuumi existence in another timeline not so far from this one)

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Surrender your taste or prepare to fight! 🌹

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Hey, I started playing Apex not long enough but i really digged into the Apexverse. I also draw other games content but I did some Pokemon/Apex crossover stuff to share with you. My favourite legends are the chaotic duo of Wattson and Dr. Caustic!

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Finally, Gem Knight got some new moves (and buddies) to show!! ⭐️

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Maybe its time to at least update the horrible Masked Shaco textures because right now the splash art and these new icons/emotes are pure clickbait when you got that disgusting mask ingame

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