

フォロー数:1114 フォロワー数:864

I love this character dynamics because they always work in some way or another

24 240

The Chibi Champs are a good idea that will reward the 30 same champions that we see in every single event and the other champions won't be getting them until the system is complete or obsolete. The enjoyment is directed for Riot's favorite as always and the others wait...

0 11

People migth argue "They will get them eventually" and that's another problem why does champions always need to be in the end of the line like with emotes. There are champions that have 20 Emotes and other with none

0 10

It's okay to be wrong. The real problem with CCN is the lack of publicity (even after winning the poll) and real care for repeating Darius and Zyra but Shaco and TF were awesome

2 34

I am aware of the hate that people have for Shaco, but I still love the way he is

5 75

My favorite is Electro cause the good boi is Electro and his wolf backstory is really cool

0 1

This sums up the Pentakill Lore till now

22 137

Into the Kaynverse

13 179

En español tiene un chiste diferente

3 30

Everyone talks about Kalista, Yorick, Hecarim. But what happened with Vladimir?

48 452