ˡᵘᶦᶻᶻˡᵉ 🐼さんのプロフィール画像

ˡᵘᶦᶻᶻˡᵉ 🐼さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:282 フォロワー数:7743

i cant wait to make a gaga cartoon again and im glad i have the perfect idea

0 5

feeling h*rny should be ilegal if youre single

1 8

my bff mums already got me a house of coochie poster

0 7

i think its so funny how gringos get cancelled for saying the f word and everyone im my country says that like thats just any word

0 4

yt wont let you get ads on the vid if the n word is used

0 2

nicki used your love in that vid of papa bear meeting that other baby shes def watching me

0 17

Gaga,Nic and Rih at the met??!?! i hope they take a pix together *manifesting*

1 13