

✨Hala (she/her)✨ Character artist/Illustrator✨ YT/TWITCH @ lulii999 ✨ Join me on my streams every Mon (art) & Wed (gaming) at 2:30pm GMT ⬇️

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‘Priority: Palaven’ was one of my favourite ME3 missions for uhh many reasons.

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Hey Pixie!
This sounds amazing and I would love to throw my interest in to working for the team!
I’m Hala, a character artist that loves designing characters and drawing scenes, but can do maps as well.
My art style is quite flexible too.

My email is: art.halayousif.com

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Was asked to draw James and Tali Mass Effect for a birthday commission and honestly?? I had the BEST time!!

(For those interested in a commission in this style, I do have some slots available. Check the pinned post for details or DM me! 💕)

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Hey there! Thanks for doing this!
I’m Hala & I’m a character artist that loves high fantasy, but have recently been getting into Scifi (thanks to Mass Effect).

Here are some of my works & if anyone’s interested, I’ve got commissions open too!
✨INFO: https://t.co/aDFnoxQH2r

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Hey there! Thanks for doing this!
I’m Hala & I’m a character artist that loves high fantasy, but have recently been getting into Scifi (thanks to Mass Effect).

Here are some of my works & if anyone’s interested, I’ve got commissions open too!
✨INFO: https://t.co/aDFnoxQH2r

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I LOVE drawing dnd characters and OCs especially. Give me your Inquisitors, Hawkes, Wardens, Shepards & I will GLADLY draw them smooching their love interest if you so ask me to.

Here are some of my faves I’ve drawn:

Evris Ithair
Raul Vladu
Irith Lavellan (x Cullen) [DAI]

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Hey there! I’m Hala and I’m opening commissions on Wed the 25th in this style!

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Heyo! I’m Hala and thanks for putting this out there! I’m a fantasy artist that specialises in character art.
Here’s a selection of art as well as
a link to my instagram:


Thanks again for your consideration! 🥰🥰

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Realised I hadnt uploaded this yet!
Everyone’s season 4 glow ups looked so good???

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