Lumen Waltzさんのプロフィール画像

Lumen Waltzさんのイラストまとめ

Greetings traveler, I am merely an abyss fish in search of some good company! 💙. . . (He/They | 21) PFP: @chikomokii | Banner: @HadesDomainVT | 18+ 🔞!!!

フォロー数:1639 フォロワー数:783

Rest easily travelers,

Sorry I’m late to see you to sleep tonight,
I accidentally dosed off a lil, myself.

The rain is just too dang soothing!

You did good today,
Even if you don’t necessarily think so,
It was a day well survived!

Now you may rest peacefully,
Sweet dreams! 💙

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Find easy rest out there voyagers,

I hope you’re all bundled up in your blankets, and that you nod off to wonderland soon!

Looks like I’ll be sleeping pretty soundly myself, as the rain just picked up!
You know me and my storms!

Sweet dreams travelers,
You’re in my heart! 💙

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Seriously though,
made another AMAZING work of art, this time of a more spooky Lumen!!

I truly don’t deserve such a darling of a friend! 😭💙

Thank you again, Venus!
Happy Early Birthday!!! 🥳💙

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It’s been storming,
And that makes me happy!

I LOVE listening to the storm outside,
Even while at work!! 💙

I’m so happy that YOUR day has also been going well!
You deserve all of the grand things that life has to offer!

Mwah Mwah MWAH!!! 😘💙

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At ease abyssal travelers,
I shall call it here for the night.

My brain has been scattered and requires rest!

I’m so sorry that my social battery has been kind’ve low the past few day!
I’ll be sure to charge it up plenty good!

Have sweet dreams, travelers!
You deserve them! 💙

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Couldn’t be me-
I definitely don’t fit in this category. 💙

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I just received this from my lil buddy and it’s ADORABLE!!

THANK YOU for this incredible piece of art, even though I wasn’t the one who commissioned it!

Go support Yonk!
They absolutely deserve it!!! 😭💙

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Goodnight dear travelers,

Did you get your much needed YOU time today?
I hope you did!!

I would give just about anything to curl up with all of you and dose off while we watch movies!

I can’t wait until the next time our paths cross~

May sweet dreams float your way!! 😚💙

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Good morrow travelers,

Did you get the opportunity to sleep in today?
I know I sure did,
My shift starts SUPER late today!!
And it’s a short shift on top of that!

Make sure you do everything in your power to make today a day all about YOU!
Don’t be afraid to treat yourself! 💙

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May you all have the grand dreams you deserve,
The world would be a lot less bright without your smiles and kindness!

At this rate, you’re going to make the sun jealous!

You are the best of us! 💙🥰

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