

Art from @Apolozorua
Understanding other people isn't hard.. It's impossible. Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. It's possible.

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Pikachu. A lot of the Electric types have never been able to interest me, but Pikachu has a special spot in my Heart. It could be because its the mascot of Pokemon, or because the Pokemon Anime holds a special spot in my heart. Whatever the case I love this little electric rodent

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Gyarados. In the same Hoenn Nuzlocke I also had a Gyarados that I also had to train up and grew to love it as well. The reason this came about was because I had a team wipe so I had to train up a Magikarp and a Whismur to progress, and the Gyarados was with me to the end!

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I think this comes as a surprise to no one. But I freaking LOVE Chimchar and I will defend this cute boy till the day I die.

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I do love Whismur and Exploud too, but I had to choose one. But this guy is so goofy looking. Look at him

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