

I am Luminne, a blue Carbuncle girl.
Vtuber🔞Ai Art (working on Model ) check out my throne.

フォロー数:247 フォロワー数:667

Thank you so much, persona ❤️

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That's it. I have my 2nd monitor fully funded💙 and my anonymous donors.Thank you so much for your support p. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💗 💓 💛 ♥️ 💖 💙 💗 🥰😘 thank you thank you

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Thank you persona your always so sweet ❤️💕♥️

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Has anyone seen he disappeared, oh there he is ^_^🫶❤️❤️

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why hello there ^_^, I did lose my ears tho 😭

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Good morning, my lovelies ❤️ I hope you all slept well. Let's have a great day♥️❤️💕 ♥️

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