

こんにちは, みなさん! I'm a wolf girl vtuber who draws, games, sings, and voice acts!

Tags: #lunastration = art; #shibacovers = song covers; #shibact = voice acting

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:176

I am Luna Shiba and I am moon wolf-husky! >:3

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Probably react like this and stand there confused for 5 minutes while possibly blushing. ^^;;; (Though it does depend on where the kiss was)

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I plan on doing minor redesigning, but this is basically how I look. =///=

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For me, Luna has been a nickname for my user for as long as I can remember. While my full name has a specific meaning in Japanese, the last name was added for a short joke because despite being a wolf-husky hybrid, people would assume I'm a Shiba due to my height. x3

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Tried to finish this piece with an interesting background: a concrete wall! xD

But ye, more testing around with Krita and I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Though I still have a ways to go. -w-;

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Tested around a new art program called Krita to see how I like it. Kinda hard to figure out since I'm not used to it yet, but I'll keep practicing so it eventually won't take very long. Tho it's not bad for my first attempt minus shading. ^^

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Ok ummm...
My name is Luna, a wolf-husky hybrid who loves to draw, play games, sing, and voice act! I just hope to have fun and smile, and make others feel welcome around me. ^^

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My brain went "DRAW MODE", "CHIBI", and "LUNCH" on me because of haha. ^^;
I did have extra onigiri I made today, so of course I'm happy to share! :D

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