

🐭I sometimes draw and rage at video games
Sometimes stream:…

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Did some art the other day of my new dnd character I will be playing in my friends campaign. Just a doodle of my frog man.

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not gonna lie I really missed drawing for the fun of it, this time I wanted to focus more on coloring than the line art and it turned out pretty good. Currently Luna is a female Roe but she will be a potato again soon XD

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You want me to take care of him... I'll do it nesan, just dm me his name

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Was looking at some of my old art yesterday a found this that I drew. Drawing more is something need to do more 😂😂😂

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The two lezbeans Rain and Flurry. 🙃

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Brain: "You should draw this idea"
*4 hours later*

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Wanted to draw this since last stream of Koalaing lol

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