LUИSQUID ᔦʘʘᔨさんのプロフィール画像

LUИSQUID ᔦʘʘᔨさんのイラストまとめ

HƎY! I'm drawin' herɘ • Stuck in Splatoon Hell 🦑 • Profrɘshional Salmon Яunner 🎣

フォロー数:248 フォロワー数:3090

Super cute! I drew you this 💜🦑
めっちゃかわいい! 私はこれを描きました

78 379

Look yourself in a mirror. Also here have this, this species of fish is called Boop Boop 🐟💜

0 14

Victory! 🦑✨🐇
[#Splatoon2] [#スプラトゥーン2]

113 608

3, 2, 1, GO! 🐇🐢🌬️
[#Splatoon2] [#スプラトゥーン2]

494 1765

PLEASE download his stage he worked really hard on it and he's proud 🧡🐟#Splatoon2

809 2742

Profreshional 999 🍳🐟
[#Splatoon2] [#スプラトゥーン2]

119 577

Cephalopod Magic ✨
[#Splatoon2] [#スプラトゥーン2] [#Nintendo]

469 1805

Marie Day is every day. 💚
[#Splatoon2] [#Nintendo] [#スプラトゥーン2]

206 915