ReikoLupus (Commissions Open 1/4)さんのプロフィール画像

ReikoLupus (Commissions Open 1/4)さんのイラストまとめ

A small artist living inside the network.
I love Digimon, and I like turning Digimon into pretty ladies.
Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:610 フォロワー数:321

The Timelapse of my drawing of Mummymon.

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Since I did a drawing for Clockmon last week, I decided to make one of Mummymon this one XD.
If I follow this pattern, I'll probably make a drawing of each antagonist of every episode of Ghost Game XD.
I hope they all are as memorable as this two!

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This has been both harder and easier than I thought it was going to be.
But I bet the shading will be especially though in this one XD.

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Updated a bit my avatar, since the last version was pretty old XD.

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Por qué limitarse solo a los Humanoides?
Convirtamos a todos los Digimon en Waifus y Husbandos! XD

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I wanted to try to make a Chibi, since I never did one, so here is one of the Tyilinmon I made before XD.

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I saw that there is something called going on, so I'll put something myself XD.
Who knows, maybe it'll get me some art commissions.

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Damn, those cold days in which I couldn't work messed my schedule, and now I barely work even though I can XD.
A couple of week not working and now I'm lucky if I can spend 3 hours per day drawing...
I'm a disgrace XD.
Well, in any case, here is part of what I'm working on.

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Checking my folder of drawings, specifically the ones of Digimon, I found this old drawing of an Arkadimon Super Ultimate X that I never finished XD.
I should make a new one...
Maybe one day...

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Ahhhh, they grow so fast...
One day they are a Pafumon, the next they are a Kyaromon...
They can't be babies forever...

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