

Lustea the gay, vorish Leporid here. Expect ta see plenty lewd stuff on 'ere. Plenty pink, plenty male, 'n all sorts of ravenous~.

Age: 32…

フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:553

A quick leap followed by a lewd shlurk that fills the air is all the indication of the bun's latest snackin'. The lucky 'cario below has already sunk well up inta that greedy bunny ass... 'n likely won't be the last goin' up there taday.

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"With it bein' Vore Day 'n all, enjoy this 'ere. Plenty fun gettin' the drop on folks, 'n lettin' gravity do all the work of sendin' a fella away inta my ass."

9 43

"Ain't usually one ta head down ta a bar ta pass some time, but certainly enjoyin' the Beakeasy plenty. Plenty of eager patrons there, some far more than others. Just calls for some encouragin' words. Oh, 'n this lil' 'ere was drawn by , quite the talented fella."

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This fella's been 'round but I haven't gone 'bout introducin' 'im. The lil' guy goes by Tasim, 'n he's an interestin' one. Some incident left 'im basically a ghost, unable ta be perceived with a case of amnesia ta boot. Poke me for some tech if ya want ta interact with 'im.

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