

Used to work in Overwatch and League esports, now working in video games. ex: @LAValiant, @XL2

priv: Lutionmari

フォロー数:1129 フォロワー数:2214

But can they wallride

0 1

Took 4 months to respond to meme by leaving

4 60

This is our server picture... perfect.

0 19

Am I too late?

0 26

Please raise your hand if this applies to you

0 5

우리 파리 팬 일부 여러분, 말이 많으셔서 곤란하시죠? 금방 해결해드릴께요!

0 5

Big mood recently

0 10

Plats in quick play kinda wild idk

0 10

Don't get me wrong, I love math but what's the difference...

0 11