

Этот оладушек существует чтобы следить
she/her... will block minors // 25 y/o I just exist here
English? 70% translator ахахаха

フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:320

Even if your tail is sharp, I'll still hug it ( ´ ▽ ` )

0 3

I'm just trying to sleep ( ; ▽ ;)

0 12

I think I should have done it earlier ( ´ ▽ ` )

0 31

Well, I'll write some nonsense again and just show you this..

4 59

"I'll just sit here for a while"

0 17

mmm.. Don't worry, I'll be back in my quiet corner soon and won't bother you all💕

4 37