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A lil' octopus named Olivia. Idea by drawn by me 🐙#batdr

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I am looking forward to what the future may bring us ^_^

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Your bacon costume is... DELICIOUS! ;)

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*crawls out of the woodwork*
Here are some contributions to the
I am very sorry that I haven't posted for so long
Day 10: Shine
Day 14: Smoke
Day 17: Glass
Day 22: Dance

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YOU ARE BACK! I was really shaken, when I read that you had covid :( Did you get my private message?

0 2

So cool!

I had a very similar idea a while back! wearing 's clothes and vice versa ;)

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Are you sure you never had one? ;) ;) xD

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I got into Animaniacs recently. Have you seen the reboot? It is AWESOME! You never know what is going to happen next in this show ^_^ Since I like and I decided to draw and with swapped clothes!

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Holding a Meatly bag and also holding the Meatly!

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