

Fan account.
#SpoilerAlert/She/Her/1996/Ita/⚠️Here's 🔞 stuff sometimes⚠️/@DailyEMPinoEZ and #Wermit community's admin/Priv: @Lyn_NSFW_Acc.…

フォロー数:1283 フォロワー数:1398

Beh, ormai sappiamo che canonicamente può trasformarsi in un umano e procreare. Adesso, Ignia ha i capelli arancioni/rossastr, il giallo + il rosso producono l'arancione... ciò vuol dire che, se Igneel da umano avesse i capelli rossi, la madre di Ignia sarebbe bionda. (1)

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I've always imagined her with white hair (like Mira and Lisanna) or light pink hair (like Natsu's but lighter)
I love that she's blonde😍

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4 characters that mean the world to me, tag 4 people.

I don't tag anyone, if you want to do it then do it❤️

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Are you telling me that there is someone who laughs at anime watchers?

Who cares? Watch anime🥰

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I just saw someone commenting "Nami ripoff" by retweeting a Lucy's art by Mashima ...

Anyway, read and watch and there are these beautiful queens!😍

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I love them... but I'm still crying about what happened next :'D

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